Sunday, December 17, 2006

Life drawing tid-bits

These are just a few life drawings from autumn/winter term. I've tried to do about 5 hours a week, at least 2 hours. I've still got alot to learn, but I really enjoy drawing from life. Working out the construction, line quality, weight and the other billion things you need to think about when drawing.

Shame col-erase doesn't scan well. I pretty much ignored using col-erase for anything but animation in my first two years at uni, but started to notice in other people's work how you can get such a variety of line, instead of swapping between different pencils.

I pretty much avoid the face like the plague. Mostly I run out of time, but if I'm honest, I have little to know idea of how to go about constructing the face. I'm learning, slowly, but need to do alot more work.


Anonymous said...

this reminds me a lot of the work the mother of the swiss children I used to nanny's beautiful work (yours is better tho).

Albeit I'm no trained art critic, it's still very beautiful work. my stuff looks like stick people :D

great job :)

Anonymous said...

just reminding you that you need to post again :)

Kei Phillips said...

hey fab work allyn! i'll be keeping me eye on u!